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Be your own Project Manager for Life. Drop the emotional barriers to find satisfying decision making and take action. Create your change, live the change, and make those changes sustainable. This is not traditional therapy or typical coaching.

Exploiting natural neurological processes, structured on the principles of Gestalt theory and Applied Behavior systems, and using your plans, needs and desires, a committed client finds a powerful tool for change, improvement, and focus.

I work with clients in virtual online environments, and in person – one-on-one and groups – to manage not just your life lists and goals but to redefine emotional and strategic layers that keep or delay you from doing what is in your own best interest.

Be a project manager for your life and get the unique personal tools you need. Contact me for more information.

The C Suite Dialogue That Does Not Include Anyone Else

The C Suite Dialogue That Does Not Include Anyone Else

Systems Impact on the Organization

“It is very important for any leader is to realize that your people are what make you successful — or unsuccessful,” he told Business Insider. “Anytime I have a team that’s struggling, I first look at the leader directly. Your team is a reflection of you.” Mat Ishbia

Leaders Make The Same Mistake

This negative habit is so entrenched in our ideas of Leadership because the CEO feels required to make decisive, innovative plans to revive an organization. The new CEO or manager plans to initiate some groundbreaking changes without consulting the “ground troops” because disruption is the name of the change game.

Not surprisingly for the rest of the group, the new endeavor does not go well at first (or ever), as the leader never sought a buy-in by the participants. The ground troops are after all, the ones who will implement the plan on the ground. This is a historical fail. Lost battles and wars are based on this blindness. Not seeing what is happening on the ground, the leader is unable to tailor their directives to the real market and the players who will make it happen. The troops sit on their hands and wait for the crash.

In the end, the leader feels sabotaged or ignored and the ground troops see yet another failed attempt by management to be a real leader. Neither entity takes responsibility and apathy becomes more entrenched.

Some organizations have made a serious attempt to overcome this impaired vision but find their group wrapped up in deadening “consensus loops.” Too many ideas and opinions can swamp attempts at strategic thinking. Regression to authority again becomes the response.

Certain organizations appoint a small group of “experts” who prepare a plan in conjunction with the C Suite. The evolving plan is circulated for iterative comments and critique. The best groups hold individuals who do not comment accountable – no opinion is wrong but a lack of one is considered unprofessional. In this way, the endeavor is well tailored through a series of pro-and-con loops long before it is implemented. Turn over is reduced and critique and a well-considered buy-in becomes the standard.